2025 Idaho State Champions Results
Thanks for an incredible competition!

Everyone had a great time and we loved seeing everyone dance so well.

Age division winners, state champions, and overall teams listed below:

Dance Age Division Winners
Clogging Age Division Winners

New! Age Divisions listed by Director


Dance Categories Clogging/Power Tap Categories

Overall Teams
Smalls Hip hop Brook Jensen
Mini Lyrical Brook Jensen
Stars and Mini Hip hop Brook Jensen
Stars Jazz Brook Jensen
Sapphires Bridal Party Carmen Heap
R & R Company Rainbow-Golden Afternoon Jackie Frazier
Rubies When You Wish Upon A Star Kelsie Carter
Pre Comp Count on Me Kimberly Hobbs
Intensity Cheer Rising Stars Right Track Krista Briggs
Mini Elite Company Keep Breathing Krista Briggs
Teen Elite Good To Go Michelle Summers

AirBound Tumbling and Cheer Cadets Ashley Bogs
Show Stoppers Rainbow Becky Abbott
Jr Elite Hip hop Brook Jensen
Sr Company Hip hop Brook Jensen
Emeralds Teen Beach Carmen Heap
Shine Studio Petite Tap Puttin' On The Ritz Cindy Wood/Megan Dietrich
E1 Avocado Kimberly Hobbs
Teen Elite Company Angels Krista Briggs

AirBound Tumbling and Cheer Mavericks Ashley Bogs
Diamonds Combined Drop Carmen Heap
Shine Studio Teen Jazz Have A Nice Day Cindy Wood/Megan Dietrich
Shine Studio Junior Acro You Say Cindy Wood/Megan Dietrich
E-Team Daisies Keri Payne
Tween Elite Company Misguided Ghosts Krista Briggs
Senior Elite Company Tell Me About Tomorrow Krista Briggs

GROUND CONTROL ADRENALINE Pump It Adison & Hailey Hillstead
Aspire Jazz Brook Jensen

Overall Studios

American Falls Studio Ashley Ames and Jesalee Smith
Dance Force dance studio Brook Jensen
Dynamics Studios Kimberly Hobbs

Dance Force dance studio Brook Jensen
Dance Unlimited Rigby Krista Briggs
Dynamics Studios Kimberly Hobbs

Dance Unlimited Rigby Krista Briggs
Legacy Dance Academy Carmen Heap
Shine Studio Cindy Wood/Megan Dietrich

Diva Dance Company Wendy Schild

Idaho State Champions
Hip Hop Solo
Mya Selga
Contemporary Solo
Ashlynn Wilde
Jazz Solo
London Woodbury
Lyrical Solo
Ashlynne Wilde
Open Solo
Siennah Willis
Natalie Tolman, Brianna Owings, MacKinsey Owings
Cheer Pom Team
Diva Jr Cheer
Contemporary Team

Hip Hop Team
Ground Control Adrenaline
Jazz Team
Lyrical Team
Diamond Elite


Overall Dance Soloists
1st - Ashlynn Wilde
2nd - Siennah Willis
3rd - Chloe Lilya


Overall Teams

GROUND CONTROL TREMORZ Take Me to the Beach Adison & Hailey Hillstead
DoubleTap Darlings Princess & Frog Krista Hasler
LaChere's Fab 5 Minis Zippity Do Dah LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright

In Step Clogging Super Stompers 9 to 5 Kasandra Parker
DoubleTap DoubleTrouble Mickey Krista Hasler
LaChere's Fab 5 Dynamite Shake It Off LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright

K&C'S FAB 5 AVID ASTRONAUTS Kandice Anderson & C. Gib
DoubleTap Dynamite Friend Like Me Krista Hasler
LaChere's Fab 5 Intensity Determinate LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright

K&C'S FAB 5 LEVERAGE WAVE RIDER Kandice Anderson & C. Gib
DoubleTap Dazzlers Ramalama Krista Hasler
LaChere's Fab 5 Allstars It's a Beautiful Life LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright

Ground Control Legacy Just Watch How I Do It Adison & Hailey Hillstead
J4C Championship Girls Runnin' Wild Jamie and Ryan Moore
In Step Clogging Voltage Here Come the Grannies Kasandra Parker
DoubleTap Dazzlers I'm a Lady Krista Hasler
LaChere's Fab 5 Explosion That's My Kind of Night LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright

Ground Control Kryptonix RATATA Adison & Hailey Hillstead
J4C Pro Girls Party in the USA Jamie and Ryan Moore
LaChere's Fab 5 Shockwave Let's Go LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright
LaChere's Fab 5 Elite Shockwave Egyptian LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright
Fab 5 Elite Addiction This Is It LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright

Overall Studios

In Step Clogging Kasandra Parker
K & C's Fab 5 Studio Kandice Anderson & C. Gib
LaChere's Fab 5 Studio LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright

Ground Control Studio Adison & Hailey Hillstead
In Step Clogging Kasandra Parker
LaChere's Fab 5 Studio LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright

In Step Clogging Kasandra Parker
K & C's Fab 5 Studio Kandice Anderson & C. Gib

Ground Control Studio Adison & Hailey Hillstead
K & C's Fab 5 Studio Kandice Anderson & C. Gib
LaChere's Fab 5 Studio LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright

Ground Control Studio Adison & Hailey Hillstead
In Step Clogging Kasandra Parker
LaChere's Fab 5 Studio LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright

Ground Control Studio Adison & Hailey Hillstead
In Step Clogging Kasandra Parker
LaChere's Fab 5 Studio LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright

Idaho State Champions
A Cappella Team
LaChere's Fab 5 Elite Addiction
Open Team
Ground Control Kryptonix
Line Team
LaChere's Fab 5 Elite Shockwave
Precision Team
LaChere's Fab 5 Elite Shockwave
Small Team
LaChere's Fab 5 Shockwave
Standing Line
LaChere's Fab 5 Elite Addiction
Show Team
LaChere's Fab 5 Elite Shockwave
A Cappella Production
LaChere's Fab 5 Shockwave
Traditional Line Team
Ground Control Kryptonix
Alexis Vardrey and Saffron French
Kimberly Cheney & Brinley Parker
Short Duet
Alexis Vawdrey & Lacey Wright
A Cappella Duet
Alexis Vawdrey &Berkley Richards
Elizabeth Quinton & Ruby Olsen
A Cappella
Alexis Vawdrey
Hollin Hymas
Male Freestyle
Andrew Maschek
Female Freestyle
Alexis Vawdrey
Hollin  Hymas

Overall Individuals

Female Freestyle Jr
1st - Alexis Vawdrey
2nd - Annie Greenwood
3rd - Berkeley Richards
- Ruby Olsen
- Kimbree Cheney

Female Freestyle Sr

1st - Breelyn Tucker
2nd -Jane Hulse
3rd -Saffron French
4th -Emaree Coffman
5th - Olivia Tucker

Female Freestyle YA
1st - Ashley Anderson
2nd -Hollin Hymas
3rd -Bailey Tucker
4th -Avery Ellis
5th - Taylor Tucker

Male Freestyle Sr
1st - Andrew Maschek
2nd - Stockton Panter

A Cappella Jr
1st - Alexis Vawdrey
2nd - Berkeley Richards
3rd - Brinley Parker
- Ruby Olsen
- Annie Greenwood

A Cappella Sr
1st - Elizabeth Quinton
2nd - Lacey Wright
3rd - Emaree Coffman
- Stockton Panter
- Hallie Van Buren

A Cappella YA
1st- Hollin Hymas
2nd - Taylor Tucker
3rd - Ashley Anderson
4th - Brooke Hendrickson
5th - Bailey Tucker

A Cappella Duet Jr
1st - Alexis Vawdrey & Berkeley Richards
2nd - Annie Greenwood & Luna Alba

A Cappella Duet Sr
1st - Elizabeth Quinton & Ruby Olsen
2nd - Alexis Vawdrey & Lacey Wright
3rd - Lauren Cole & Addy Nilsson
- Autumn Schiermeister & Elizabeth Quinton
- Berkeley Richards & Saffron French

Short Duet Jr

Short Duet Sr
1st - Alexis Vawdrey & Lacey Wright
2nd - Alexis Vawdrey & Saffron French
3rd - Brooke Hendrickson & Jane Hulse
- Avery Ellis & Maycee Maughan
- Brooklyn Craythorn & Laura Harmon

Duet Jr
1st - Kimbree Cheney & Brinley Parker

Duet Sr

1st - Alexis Vawdrey & Saffron French
2nd - Avery Ellis & Mckell Poll
3rd - Avery Ellis & Mckell Poll
- Lacey Wright & Saffron French
- Cambria Gibson & Mikkel Vejnar

Championship Freestyle
Female Jr
1st - Kaiya Simon
2nd - Ailisa Chappel
3rd -MaryElla Knapp
4th -Madyson Cox & Mia Francis
5th - Zayva Gibson

Female Sr
1st - Kate Leavitt
2nd - Clara White
3rd -Ella Yates 
4th - Jill Attebury
5th - Natalie Zaugg


1st - Grady Dixon
2nd - Isaac Hasler
3rd - Logan Craythorn

Advanced Freestyle
Female Jr
1st - MaryElla Knapp
2nd - Jayda Merkley
3rd - Avery Yates
4th - Madyson Cox
5th - Kjerstin Martin

Male Jr
1st Grady Dixon
2nd - Caden Johnson
3rd - Isaac Hasler




































Below are the 2022 Idaho State Champions! 
All-Idaho Based studios were eligible for the State Champion titles.
All Dancers were eligible for Overall Titles!

State Champions
State Champions to list shortly.

Jazz Team - Gemz
Lyrical Team - Diamond Elite
Hip Hop Team - Bangerz

Contemporary - Diamond Elite
Pointe/Ballet - Diva Ballet

Contemporary Solo - Ashlynn Wilde
Jazz Solo - Aubrey Soto
Lyrical Solo - Ashlynn Wilde

Hip Hop - D


Overall Queen Soloists
1st - Ashlynn Wilde
2nd - Rachel Green
3rd - Kayleen Weaver

Clogging/Power Tap
State Champions


Overall Winners -

A Cappella Solo Jr 1st - Lacey Wright
A Cappella Solo Jr 2nd - Saffron French
A Cappella Solo Jr 3rd - Oakley Buchanan
A Cappella Solo Jr - Alexis Vawdrey

A Cappella Solo Senior 1st - Skyler Kingsbury
A Cappella Solo Senior 2nd - Elizabeth Quinton
A Cappella Solo Senior 3rd - Brooke Hendrickson
A Cappella Solo Senior - Adison Hillstead
A Cappella Solo Senior - Taylor Tucker
A Cappella Solo Senior - Brooklyn Fletcher

Duet A Cappella Jr 1st - Oakley Buchanan & Saffron French
Duet A Cappella Jr 2nd - Alexis Vawdrey & Lacey Wright

Duet A Cappella Senior 1st - Mariah Holt & Tyann Wright
Duet A Cappella Senior 2nd - Elizabeth Quinton & Haylee Hill
Duet A Cappella Senior 3rd - Brooke Hendrickson & Skyler Kingsbury
Duet A Cappella Senior - Mariah Holt & Sydney Coffman
Duet A Cappella Senior - Skyler Kingsbury & Ammanda Hall

Duet Jr 1st - EvVah Fewkes & Maggie Borchert
Duet Jr 2nd - EvVah Fewkes & Emily Holmberg
Duet Jr 3rd - Presley & EvVah Fewkes
Duet Jr - Alexis Vawdrey & Saffron French
Duet Jr - Lacey Wright & Saffron French

Duet Senior 1st - Sienna Stevens & Skyler Kingsbury
Duet Senior 2nd - Elizabeth Quinton & Haylee Hill
Duet Senior 3rd - Jade Cash & Presley Fewkes
Duet Senior - Amos & Ruby Olsen
Duet Senior - Sabrina Allen & Brooke Hendrickson

Duet Short Jr 1st - Maggie Borchert & Emily Holmberg
Duet Short Jr 2nd - Alexis Vawdrey & Lacey Wright
Duet Short Jr 3rd - Jill & Sadie Rich
Duet Short Jr - Berkeley Richards & Oakley Buchanan

Duet Short Senior 1st - Hailey Pace & Mckell Poll
Duet Short Senior 2nd - Taylor Tucker & Bailey Tucker
Duet Short Senior 3rd - Presley Munns & Sydney Coffman
Duet Short Senior - Brooklyn Fletcher & Skyler Kingsbury
Duet Short Senior - Ammanda Hall & Brooke Hendrickson
Duet Short Senior - Alexis & Daisy Vawdrey

Freestyle Female Jr 1st - Maggie Borchert
Freestyle Female Jr 2nd - EvVah Fewkes
Freestyle Female Jr 3rd - Saffron French
Freestyle Female Jr - Alexis Vawdrey
Freestyle Female Jr - Lacey Wright

Freestyle Female Sr 1st - Elizabeth QUinton
Freestyle Female Sr 2nd -Presley Fewkes
Freestyle Female Sr 3rd - Avery Ellis
Freestyle Female Sr - McKel Poll
Freestyle Female Sr - Brooke Hendrickson

Freestyle Female YA 1st - Bailey Tucker
Freestyle Female YA2nd -Hailey Pace
Freestyle Female YA3rd - Sydney Coffman
Freestyle Female YA- Taylor Tucker
Freestyle Female YA-Jade Cash 

Freestyle Male Jr 1st - Lewis Olsen
Freestyle Male Jr 2nd - Stockton Panter
Freestyle Male Jr 3rd - Andrew Maschek

Freestyle Male Senior 1st - Adison Hillstead
Freestyle Male Senior 2nd - Hayes Carter
Freestyle Male Senior 3rd - Skyler Kingsbury
Freestyle Male Senior - Coby Dewsnup
Freestyle Male Senior - Gavin Wardell


Idaho State Champions - 2022

A Cappella Jr - Lacey Wright
A Cappella Sr - Elizabeth Quinton
Female Freestyle Jr - Saffron French
Female Freestyle Sr - Elizabeth Quinton
Male Freestyle Jr - Lewis Olsen
Male Freestyle Sr -Adison Hillstead
Duet Short Senior 1st - Presley Munns and Sydney Coffman
Duet Short Jr 1st -Alexis Vawdrey and Lacey Wright
Duet A Cappella Senior 1st - Mariah Holt and Tyann Wright
Duet A Cappella Jr 1st - Oakley Buchanon and Saffron French
Duet Senior - Elizabeth Quinton and Haylee Hill
Duet Jr 1st - Lacey Wright and Saffron French

Traditional Line Team -  Gem C Diamonds
Line Team - LaChere's Fab 5 Elite
Precision - LaChere's Fab 5 Elite
A Cappella Team -  LaChere's Fab 5 Elite
A Cappella Production - LaChere's Fab 5 Elite
Open Team -  LaChere's Fab 5 Shockwave
Standing Line Team -  Feb 5 Elite Addiction
Small Team  -  Ground Control's GC3
Show Team  -  LaChere's Fab 5 Elite


Team Overall Name Dance Director
Novice Team Overall Grand Champion Extreme Cheer SR Team Cheer Mix 2022 Alicia Cavazos
Novice Team Overall Grand Champion Darlings Throwback Love Ashley Ames and Jesalee Smith
Novice Team Overall Grand Champion Stars Cruella Brook Jensen
Novice Team Overall Grand Champion mini I will Survive Brook Jensen
Novice Team Overall Grand Champion Stars and Mini Elm Hip Hop crew snap yo fingers Brook Jensen
Novice Team Overall Grand Champion Rivals Space Jam Jackie Frazier
Novice Team Overall Grand Champion Rainbow Elite Chugga Chugga Choo Choo Jackie Frazier
Novice Team Overall Grand Champion Regent Elite Hey Mickey Jackie Frazier
Novice Team Overall Grand Champion TDC Petite Elite Off To Work We Go Jordan Boyle
Novice Team Overall Grand Champion Dynamics Studios C1   Kimberly Hobbs
Novice Team Overall Grand Champion Sapphires Good Day Marcel Parkinson
Beginning Team Overall Grand Champion Luna Under My Bed Amanda Wherry
Beginning Team Overall Grand Champion BX3   Ashlee Howell
Beginning Team Overall Grand Champion Rise Material Girl Jackie Frazier
Beginning Team Overall Grand Champion TDC Elite Junior Jazz Weird People Jordan Boyle
Beginning Team Overall Grand Champion TDC Select Elite Sweet Dreams Jordan Boyle
Beginning Team Overall Grand Champion Dance Fusion Mini Elite Juicy Wiggle Michelle Summers
Intermediate Team Overall Grand Champion Dynamics Studios C4 Move Your Feet Kimberly Hobbs
Intermediate Team Overall Grand Champion Dynamics Studios E4   Kimberly Hobbs
Intermediate Team Overall Grand Champion Intermediate Gold Team  Oh Krista Briggs
Intermediate Team Overall Grand Champion Dance Fusion Senior Elite Black and Gold Michelle Summers
Intermediate Team Overall Grand Champion TDC Athletics Punks Caution Sara Scott
Advanced Team Overall Grand Champion Diamond Elite Team Once Upon Another Time Krista Briggs
Advanced Team Overall Grand Champion Dream Company Neverland Wendy Schild


Team Overall Name Dance Director
Intermediate Team Overall Grand Champion DoubleTap Divas Jump Around Krista Hasler
Intermediate Team Overall Grand Champion DoubleTap DanceMoms Me Too Krista Hasler
Intermediate Team Overall Grand Champion DoubleTap Dazzlers Coco Krista Hasler
Intermediate Team Overall Grand Champion DoubleTap Diamonds and Moms Fired Up Krista Hasler
Intermediate Team Overall Grand Champion LaChere's Fab 5 Intensity Undercover LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright
Advanced Team Overall Grand Champion Ground Control Magnitude Cmon Everybody Adison & Hailey Hillstead
Advanced Team Overall Grand Champion Ground Control Cosmic Girlz Hard Knock Life Adison & Hailey Hillstead
Advanced Team Overall Grand Champion Ground Control Prodigy Funky Mountain Fogdown Adison & Hailey Hillstead
Advanced Team Overall Grand Champion LaChere's Fab 5 Aftershock Cruisin LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright
Advanced Team Overall Grand Champion GemC- DTE Uncle Pen Leah & Dan Coffman
Championship Team Overall Grand Champion Ground Control Legacy Feel It Still Adison & Hailey Hillstead
Championship Team Overall Grand Champion Ground Control Team Elektra You Can't Stop The Beat Adison & Hailey Hillstead
Championship Team Overall Grand Champion eR Elevate Waitress Bethany Hulse
Championship Team Overall Grand Champion In Step Clogging Dazzling Doublers Cups Kasandra Parker
Championship Team Overall Grand Champion LaChere's Fab 5 Extreme Memories LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright
Pro Team Overall Grand Champion Ground Control Kryptonix Lost in Japan Adison & Hailey Hillstead
Pro Team Overall Grand Champion Extreme Rhythm Free and Easy Bethany Hulse
Pro Team Overall Grand Champion LaChere's Fab 5 Shockwave Pirates-It's Going Down LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright
Pro Team Overall Grand Champion LaChere's Fab 5 Elite Knock Out LaChere Vawdrey & Emily Wright
Pro Team Overall Grand Champion NRG YA Dixieland Vickie Neilson



See you all next year!

Randy & LaChere Vawdrey, Valerie Dansie, Wendy Schild
Idaho State Championships Staff