Parents, click here to proceed directly to payment.

Directors, continue to forms below:

Registration Summary
First, check your REGISTRATION SUMMARY to make certain you and/or your students are all registered for the correct event by clicking here.

Studio Awards Order
This is for Directors only. Parents or dancers registering themselves should continue to payment links below.

Director's Name:


1. Medallions

2. Teacher Passes
Enter the Total Number of your dancers coming to the competition.
We will bring each dancer a competition medallion.
(Note: this is the number of dancers, not the number of entries, or sum of entries).
Let us know your teachers. We'll have their credentials all ready at the event.
List your teachers below:
Teachers 1:
Teachers 2:
Teachers 3:
Teachers 4:
Teachers 5:
   *Enter more teacher's names in last field if needed.


Payment Page

If you don't need to order medallions or teacher passes (or you have already filled out your medallions, schedule and teachers),
you can proceed directly to payment by simply clicking here and proceeding onto PAYMENT.

You MUST pay before competing. Dancers who haven't paid will not be allowed to compete and will not be listed on the program.

Thank you for taking time to make sure we have everything ready for you!


































Your Competition Schedule Preference Details

1. Standard Competition Categories
Selecting this option means all your entries will compete in standard competition categories
(Normal competition categories with each level competing together. - How we competed before COVID)
Dancers compete in their normal competition categories with all the other dancers.

2. New Studio Sectionals
Selecting this option means your LOWER LEVELS will compete in a New Studio Sectional all at once with 4 other studios.
Your UPPER LEVELS (Dance - Advanced Only and Clogging - Pro, Championship, and Advanced) will dance in standard competition categories.
Your Studio Sectional will dance at one scheduled time.
UPPER LEVELS will compete at the scheduled time of UPPER LEVELS times.

Dance Lower Levels - Novice, Beginning, and Intermediate
Dance Upper Levels - Advanced

Clogging Lower Levels - Novice, Beginning, Intermediate
Clogging Upper Levels - Advanced, Championship, Pro

The best of both worlds!
Upper Level dancers compete in their normal competition categories.
Lower Level dancers are able to compete quickly and not be at the event all day.


Return to specifics form for selection