America On Stage Competition Forms

Download Generic Competition Forms to submit to America On Stage competitions.

- Students, Parents and Directors! -
It is much easier to register online than to download and send it in by mail!
click here and go to the registration forms, register yourself, and pay for it all in a matter of seconds!
It takes no time at all and means no worry about postage, mailing, deadlines, or waiting.
You can see it registered instantly! Register online and make your registration easy.

If you want to register through paper forms and mail:

1. Click on the link below for the forms you need
        It will open in Adobe Acrobat. Click here if you need a free version of Adobe Acrobat
2. Print the forms
3. Fill out the forms with all your information
4. Check the Registration Date on the competition website. (Pay late fees is applicable). 
5. Send in your completed Registration forms with ONE check to
    America On Stage "Write Competition name"
943 W 1670 N
    Orem, UT 84057

Click here to download all


Register Online by clicking here

E-mail with any questions you might have