America On Stage's 2020 "VIRAL SENSATIONAL"
May 16, 2020
A Clogging and Power Tap Online Competition for Individuals


Freestyle Music     |      Solo Music         |    Dancer's Upload videos link  |   2020 Results



1. Dancers will
RECORD TWO Videos. One for Freestyle, and One for All-Around Solos.
    Using the music provided above or on the America On Stage app, dancers record themselves doing freestyle and a separate video doing all the All-Around Solos they know. You can wear costumes or not, do your hair and make up, GO BIG! Record at home, in a studio, wherever you want! Have fun!

2. Dancers
MUST RENAME their videos BEFORE Submitting them so we can identify them.
        To rename your video, transfer them to your computer, right click on the video file and click on "rename"
        Rename it with THREE things. Dancer's Name - Category - Director's Last Name
Hannah Adams - Advanced Freestyle - Tucker
            Example: Hannah Adams - Advanced Solos - Tucker

SUBMIT YOUR VIDEOS to America On Stage
    You can do this in two ways.
        1 - Dancers send their videos to their directors. Directors will check the videos are labeled correctly and upload them all into their personal folders.
             Directors will upload all their videos to their Personal Directors Folder from the Director's Corner (Click here to go there directly or click on Director's Corner link on the home page.)
             Directors, once you are in your director's Corner, click on "Your Personal Video & Music Folder". Enter your password and you'll see a link to your folder. Copy and paste it into your browser. Your personal folder will open.
             Simply drag and drop your videos into the folder. They are now uploaded. You can see all the videos you have uploaded there.

        2 - Dancers can submit/upload their videos themselves through the website.
             Dancers MUST have their videos RENAMED before uploading their videos.
             Click on Upload your videos link above and upload your video.

     This is done just like we've always done it. Click here to register your dancers for the viral event. Re-register them or Register them for Freestyle and All-Around Solos like we've always done.



It's an online clogging and power tap competition for clogging individual events FREESTYLE and ALL-AROUND SOLOS. It costs $25 to enter both categories. $13 for freestyle alone.

Here's the basic gist:
Dancers can compete in TWO individual events: Freestyle and All-Around Solos.
1) Freestyle: Dancers will film themselves doing their freestyle. They can film it at their house, studios, anywhere. Be in costume or not, anything they want. Go BIG!
Dancers will film themselves (like with a cell phone) and send in their video to their directors or America On Stage themselves.
We will provide the music on the app so you can dance all at the same speed.
2) All-Around Solos: Dancer will film themselves doing all the solos they know in a video (don't record 5 videos, record one video with as many All-Around Solos as they know).
Dancers will send in their All-Around Solo Video to directors or America On Stage themselves
We will provide the music on the app so you can dance all at the same speed.

All video submissions will need to be uploaded between May 11th and May 16th.

Judges will be from the entire America On Stage community. Directors, Judges, and even some of our top Pro Dancers will judge the categories. All freestyle entries will have three judges score their video and all Solos will be scored by Solo judges. All dancers will receive awards being 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th place. Advanced, Champ and Pro Dancers can also receive High Gold 1st Place.

Dancers from all levels may compete. Any Pro Dancers who wish to enter will be scored against a score and awarded as such (Multiple awards - High Gold, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th or 5th). We will not be scoring Pro as normal, rather against a scor

Teams and Duets and A Cappella are not being done in this event as most teams and duets are unable to be recorded and sent in and a cappella is not being judges at this event.

We hope those that want to participate and have a great May competition. If they are unable to attend Nationals, we hope this will be able to give them a great competition conclusion to this year.
All those that want to compete at Nationals can do both if they want as well.



Results will be posted online Saturday May 23 online at! 

We will mail all competitors America On Stage Medals, Awards Pins and SUPERStar pins! Awards will be sent to studios to distribute to their students.

SUPERStar points will be added to your totals, Director of the Year points will be added in as well. Studio Grants will also be awarded.


If you have paid any registration fees for competition in America On Stage, we will have them credited towards this event. Any extra fees not used for this competition, will be transferred to Nationals. Any additional fees after the year can be applied towards further events or refunded.

Payments are not due until May 16th.



We will dance again on stages soon.

For now, we dance online and shine bright!

See you in cyberspace!

America On Stage