Nationals in October 2020!
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Dance Nationals Final Program |
Nationals 2020! It's going to be a Nationals like never before. I can promise you that. And it will be so great to finally get back on these stages and restore some form of normalcy. A WORD OF HOPE Before I go into all the details, I want to let you know I am very hopeful and excited for the future. Our current way of doing things will not last forever. (It's really not sustainable - physically, emotionally, socially or financially). And I want to let directors and dancers know that we will be back dancing again as we have in the past. Just keep that positive hope and smile up. Don't give up. Hang in there and better times are ahead. Everyone's numbers are down, but they will return. Hope inspires us. Hope brings Smiles. Hope brings Miracles. I believe! A WORD OF CAUTION Also, before I go into details, I want to caution you against not saying one phrase: "Well, that's not fair". Please don't use it. Life as we know it right now isn't fair. It's changed everything on all of us and made doing what we do completely different and very difficult. But we are able to do some things and we are doing all we can to make it so we can do Nationals with all the million rules and regulations given to us. We do it as fairly and awesomely as we can. Really, what we are allowed to do is hold a Nationals with the following guidelines and rules and make it as awesome as possible.
And I mean let's make it awesome! |
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FRIGHTMARES! Nationals will be held in conjunction with one of the Lagoon's most exciting and fun events - FRIGHTMARES. The entire park is converted into a Halloween party! They have Haunted houses of all kinds, from the really fun ones with laughs, candy, and smiling people to the scary ones that cause your eyes to disbelieve all that comes. Exciting music plays in the park, characters mingle with the crowd and it's SUCH FUN to be in the park. Daytime shows the fun and allows people to play in the autumn sun with all the Halloween decor. Nighttime makes it even more exciting when all the lights turn on. It's one of the most exciting times to be at Lagoon. And this year, we get to be a part of it! The cost of admission is more expensive during Frightmares due to all the extra over-lay around the park and it's simply amazing. We can't wait for you all to see it. HOW NATIONALS WILL WORK - A Quick SUMMARY In short summary, here's how it's all going to work. (More details are listed below for the following items - this is a LONG EMAIL...) - All Studios will compete in studio blocks. This is required to avoid large gatherings (see below for more information). We can only be in groups of 50 or less according to CDC and health guidelines. All competitions are running like this under Corona. BUT, you won't need to compete all day, rather you will compete all your entries in your block of studio time. But once done, you have all day to play! ENTRY FEE REQUIRED FOR EVERYONE. Lagoon normally allows all dancers to enter for free and spectators to enter for a small fee of $15. THIS YEAR ONLY, Lagoon has a cap under Corona of how many are allowed to enter the park. Only 6,000 can be in the park that normally holds over 24,000. They can't allow dancers to enter for free this year as it will cost them money in a year they are strapped to get any cash at all. FOR THIS YEAR ONLY, all who enter Lagoon (Competitors, Spectators, Directors, everyone) will need to purchase an all-day ride pass. Frightmares will be going on and we will not be dancing all day so you can dance and then play and it will be Frightmares so you will have so much fun in the park. Lagoon is giving us a large discount on passes. Frightmares passes are normally $73/person. We are getting them for $48. Each person will be required to purchase an all day ride pass AND make a park reservation (so Lagoon knows who is coming and how many are coming) to enter the park. Anyone may purchase a park all-day ride pass for $48 (competitor, director, teacher, family, friend). If you have a Lagoon season pass, this counts as admission and you don't need to purchase a ride pass (you have one), but you still need to make a reservation to enter the park. Click here for Lagoon Tickets America On Stage discounted rate. America On Stage is offering a reduced Registration fee of $12/entry. Because of the all-day ride purchase requirement, America On Stage is going to do all we can to help with the costs. We are streamlining so many things we normally do to save money and be smart. America On Stage is offering a reduced Registration fee of $12/entry for teams and clogging individuals. Dance Solos/Duos/Trios will have a reduced fee as well. Queen Solos: $80, Queen Duos: $110 Dance Trios $140. We hope this helps those who are having financial struggles. Please know we are doing all we can do to make this Nationals as great as possible. Before anyone gets all mad, if you're doing several entries, America On Stage's reduced fee makes the admission ticket much less (and since we didn't compete at Utah State or others, we didn't spend that money then and have some now.) We know there will be some who can't attend because of the required ticket admission, but also, because we will have more open time, you can actually enjoy FRIGHTMARES and the park! It will only happen this year, and will be a great time to take advantage of this time to play! Remember the goal is to give our dancers the best time possible in this time of Corona and all its restrictions, especially those of gatherings less than 50, and sanitary areas. It won't be like Nationals normally is, and we have to keep all the rules or we all get in trouble and that may lead to more restrictions in the future. Let's do our best, not complain, have a GREAT time, and cheer each other on through a Nationals unlike any other, and yet one that will be awesome! If this sounds fun to you, let's get you registered. Now you have lots of questions, look below for more details! |
Nationals Details 2020
STAGES We have three stages to use for Nationals - The Canyon, Meadow and Honey Locust. The Davis (enclosed) and Oak are used for Haunted Houses. DAYS CLOGGING- We have three days in which we can run Nationals - October 15, 16, 17 (Thursday through Saturday.). This is also a break in Utah's school as it is Fall Break. It looks like we will be dancing on Friday unless we need more space and then will use Saturday and Thursday. DANCE - We have two days in which we can run Nationals - October 23-24 (Friday and Saturday.). It looks like we will be dancing on Saturday, unless we need more space and then will use Friday. STUDIO BLOCKS All competitions held in the west are having to adjust to how large group gatherings are allowed to be held in this time of pandemic. Large groups can't meet without the threat of Covid-19 spread. The Health Dept has said groups of 50 people or fewer are allowed only. Convention Centers and large gathering places like Lagoon have had to make temporary changes so large groups don't get together and cause an outbreak. All competitions have temporarily moved to what's called "Studio Blocks". A Studio has a set time to be at a stage, perform all their numbers, and then vacate the stage and the next studio come and does all their numbers. This is one of the only ways competitions can be held under Corona Rules, because the original way of doing it is too large of a gathering and isn't allowed. LOWER LEVELS Now this really isn't a problem with the lower levels as they are competing against a score. Being on stage with just your studio isn't as difficult as judges are scoring you against a score, and not against all others. 3 judges will be at each stage to judge dancers. All Dancers will be scored as we normally do at Nationals for lower levels. PRO LEVEL (Clogging) Advanced Level (Dance) In Pro, this makes it much harder as judges are comparing dancers against other dancers. There isn't really a great way to fix this, but I have several ways we will doing it to make it as great as possible. • 5 Pro judges will be assigned to judge all pro. • When a pro entry is danced on a stage, the 5 pro judges will replace the 3 judges • All Pro entries are scored on a very tight scale (the lower the score, the better) o If a judges places that entry on an MVP Level, they are scored 1.0-1.2 o If a judges places that entry on an All-Star All-American Level, they are scored 1.3-1.5 o If a judges places that entry on an All-American Level, they are scored 1.6-1.7 o If a judges places that entry below an All-American Level, they are scored 1.8-1.9 • All Long Duets and Teams will be scored as normal on a Pro Score Sheet with restrictions to keep scores close and out of a large scale drop. We have actually used this scoring system on the All-American Dance off the last 8 years. It works just fine and the cream of the crop always rise to the top. I have no worries about using it this time. We will instruct the judges to keep their same scoring priorities all day long so each pro entry is scored similarly. This is the only way we can compete right now, and I want to reassure you, it will be just fine.
For our Advanced Dance Solos, we will have them
all on stage as there won't be any group conflicts. This will judge like
normal. In dance, there is no charge for the
All-Americans like we normally do it. |
BLOCK When an studio is all registered, we will see how much time they need to do all their dances including all individuals, duets, and team dances. I will work with each director to set up an order that allows for best use of time. We will build in time for costume changes, resting, and adjustments. There will be some dead time. We'll simply do our best. A Studio will most likely dance in a combined order, with all their novice teams dancing, and then all those doing freestyle and duets will dance. For Pro, we will dance Pro Freestyle and Pro Duets mixed amongst other lower levels and dance pro teams after that. We know there will be time needed to change. We'll simply do our best. All your entries will dance all their dances, individuals and duets in one block of time. PLAY TIME! The best news of this is once your done, you can go and PLAY at FRIGHTMARES! The competition won't take all day! You can go and enjoy the park. I think most studio blocks will take around 1 - 2 hours at most. That means if you dance at 10 am, you can play from noon until the park closes!!! MASKS Lagoon, the CDC and the Davis Health Dept require that masks be worn at ALL TIMES unless you are dancing on the stage. This means while changing, practicing, lining up, getting awards, looking at the posting wall, basically anytime you are not on stage, we must wear a mask. This is simply a rule we must follow or we can't hold this competition. Once you are walking on the stage, we'll take off our masks, dance, and then upon exiting, we'll put them back on. I have no ability to change this. It's simply the rule. FRIDAY COMPETITION for cloggers.
Saturday for Dance For Dancers, we will do all our competing on
Saturday Oct 24, unless we need more space on the Friday. For Dance, we will award all soloists in a late awards show, or they may get their awards when results are posted. Like Normal! |
Precision, formations, and
touching We are just fine in you dancing a precision and touching partners, doing all your formations and dances with touching on stage. We will have hand sanitizer at each stage and require its use before and after a dance with touching. This will also happen with duets. Ready? don't worry about it! Everyone says the same thing...we are just not really ready. Don't worry about it. NONE OF US ARE! We've all been down for several months and have just begun to get back in the studio. Please don't think any of us are judging each other based on how our teams look now. We're all in this together! Bring whatever you have! Do your best, have a great time! May Crowds watch? The answer is yes, but Lagoon simply will have the tables spread apart for social distancing. It is not encouraged for dancers to hang around each stage to watch others, as we want to do all we can to minimize any group gathering. Awards, Medallions, etc Dancers may get their Nationals Medallions and pins while at Lagoon once awards are posted. We will find a way to get our Overall Awards to you after we announce them all Saturday evening. THURSDAY and SATURDAY competing If we have more dancing than can make it fit on Friday, we will use either Thursday or Saturday as needed, but we think we can fit it all on Friday for Clogging. Saturday for Dance. Registration Deadline is Sept 17th (Clogging) Sept 24th (Dance). If any dancers have registered and no longer want to attend due to the additional ticket cost, let us know and we'll make sure and get you refunded, but you're going to miss out! RISK - There is always risk in all we do. First and foremost, we want everyone to be safe, however, with the reality of this disease we must all be cautious. If you have any reservations regarding coming to the event, we completely understand. Any interaction with the public poses an inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19. People who show no symptoms can spread COVID-19 if they are infected. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. The CDC advises that older adults and people of any age who have underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable to severe illness from COVID-19. By participating, as a dancer, director, spectator, volunteer or accessing the general location, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19 and agree to not hold America On Stage, Lagoon Amusement Park., or any of their affiliates, directors, officers, vendors, or volunteers liable for any illness or injury. Masks: Requiring masks will be the standard for the event. We do not expect dancers dancing on stage to wear masks as they dance, however, if the dancer decides to wear a mask during their performance, the judges will not penalize for wearing the mask. Social Distancing: Everyone must remain in their seats as much as possible. Gathering around the judges and stage Will Not be allowed. |
That's it.
We hope you are able to attend and please know that even with these
restrictions, we will have a fun Nationals!
You are welcome to Email me with any questions, but please know we have spent
HOURS designing this with Lagoon, America On Stage staff, the CDC, Health Dept
and there is so little I can change. Suggestions such as "What is you did this"
are best left to when we get all registration in and I can see better how we can
do things (such as "what if you put all the 10 year olds together?"). We've
looked at things so many times. Let me see what the registration looks like and
we can address it further. But for now, this is how it looks.
It's going to be great.
Double Step
Love you all
There will be a lot more information to come for Nationals 2020, but here's a start:
1. 2020 Season
We will run Nationals as an extension of the current
year of competition. All results, points and awards from Nationals will go
towards the 2020 year.
2. 2021 Season
The 2021 year will start three weeks later at Autumnfest Nov 6-7.
3. Nationals
At Nationals, we will run the competition just like normal with freestyle,
duets, teams, Jr. All-Americans, All-Americans, and MVPs.
This competition will probably run over 3 days. It's
Fall Break in Utah, and we will get a schedule out towards the end of summer.
4. All-Around Solos
At Nationals in October, we will use the current 2020
All-Around Solos.
The 2021 All Around Solos will start at Autumnfest 3
weeks later.
Challenge Solo will stay the same throughout 2021.
There will only be two new solos this year - Percussion and Traditional.
New All-Around Solos will be available June 1st like
normal. We encourage studios to teach the new solos all summer, keep the two old
solos fresh for Nationals
and compete all you know at Nationals, and
compete the new solos at Autumnfest in November.
5. What level shall I compete at Nationals if I
move up over the summer?
Dancers may compete at Nationals the level they competed this
year so your SUPERStar points combine as they would if it were held in May.
Consider it as just an extension of the year as we know it. However, you are
welcome to dance in a higher category if you so choose. SUPERStar points are
still added for you in the level you compete, so consider that as you select
your categories. We are just fine in dancers moving up over the summer and
competing in their 2020 level. We'll have more information on this as we get
6. What if my teams are not ready?
We know many teams will be starting over in August and
September. Bring anything you want to compete. If it's just solos, bring them.
If you have a team holding over, bring them.
7. What next?
We'll have more information for you over the summer. For now,
enjoy your end of year programs in whatever way you are going to have them, and
keep that hope and enthusiasm up. Good things are ahead.
Until we meet again on stage, keep hope alive by dancing always.